District Attorney Greg Willis’ Burden-to-Blessing Pre-Trial Diversion Program

Hear about Burden to Blessing from a graduate:

Ready to apply? Go directly to the application.

What’s Burden to Blessing?
What’s the timeline of the program?
How do I submit an application?

 For other questions email us at: da_pretrialdiversion@co.collin.tx.us.

What’s Burden to Blessing?

An arrest can leave a person stressed and concerned about how it will affect their job, their family, and their life. They may feel burdened by the weight of the charge. Through the Burden to Blessing program, participants get equipped with problem-solving skills, communication skills, better job options, more self-awareness, and expunction of their charge. This turns what started as a burden into a blessing, giving them the freedom to live a better life.

  • Burden to Blessing is a 6 to 12-month innovative, affordable probation path that includes life and job skills training to put participants on a more successful path than the one that led to the offense.
  • Upon completion of the program, participants are eligible for an immediate expunction.
  • For more info check out our brochure and guidelines.

What’s the timeline of the program?

Below are the timelines for a misdemeanor charge and a felony charge. The times listed for each event are approximate. The amount of time between events will vary depending on each case. Examples of factors affecting the time-frame include: the type of offense, the arresting police agency, and the time it takes for the substance to be tested by a lab.

How do I submit an application?

Step 1: Read the guidelines because knowing them shortens the time it takes to apply.
Step 2: Gather, sign, and scan the following documents. Review with your attorney.
  • Agreement (what you agree to do if allowed into the program);
  • Sworn Statement (this is you taking ownership of what you did to get arrested); and
  • CSCD Forms (things probation requires).
Step 3: Click HERE to apply.
  • You will need to scan and upload the signed documents to the application.